Lufenia+ Research

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DISCLAIMER - The information below is not a list of meta characters or must pulls. Characters listed are "keys" to solving the puzzle of the Lufenia stage, and you should review our Roles page for alternatives if you lack them! Review the boss notes & character notes to understand the puzzle. You still need a balanced roster of damage dealers & supports work with your key characters to complete the stage. We have done our best to give you information to make your transition to Lufenia difficulty more smooth, but this research is not necessary holistic and is intended to be easily understood and actionable.

Transcendence Guides

Update 2/21: We will still be posting Lufenia+ notes, orb details and suggestions, but they may be delayed a day or two. We will also be directing people toward strong community resources such as Dissidia Info, Excaliblur's Fight Breakdowns & Destroth's Strategic Infographics vs listing key characters & fight details. Our Patrons will maintain access to our run library & research notes ahead of time! Transcendence guides are not affected, and will have the most detailed overviews associated. 

Quick FAQ

What's changed?

What do you get for beating a stage?

I just started, can I do Lufenia+?

For older, regular Lufenias: Lufenia Archive

Table of Contents at the bottom for your convenience, or just click the first link to jump right to them!

If you see anything you feel is in error or confusing, reach out to us so we can fix it for everyone!

King Heretics

Community Guides 

📚 DissidiaInfo Boss Guide

🎺 Call to Arms

🔢 Understanding the fight w/ Xcaliblur's Infographic

🔎 Prepare Party with Destroth's Strategy Infographic

Edge Intersecting Wills

Community Guides 

📚 DissidiaInfo Boss Guide

🎺 Call to Arms

🔢 Understanding the fight w/ Xcaliblur's Infographic

🔎 Prepare Party with Destroth's Strategy Infographic

Sice Event

Enemy: 2x Crâne Cruel

(follow links for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)

Orb Timeline 

-2 on ally action, no change on enemy turns

Trap ticks down + does damage: +2 count 

Dark BRV DMG: +2 count 

Community Guides

📚 DissidiaInfo Boss Guide

🎺 Call to Arms

Fight Notes

This fight was brought to you Metal Heads!

Fight Health and Reductions:

Fight Timeline:

Scary Enemy Abilities:

Quick Tips:

🔢 Understanding the fight w/ Xcaliblur's Infographic

🔎 Prepare Party with Destroth's Strategy Infographic

Finis est Initium (GL Exclusive Boss Rush)

Wave 1

Enemy: 2x Optimus 

(follow links for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)

Orb Timeline 

-2 on ally action, no change on enemy turns

Deal 400K HP DMG on a character's consecutive turn: +8 count 

Deal 10K BRV DMG to orb holder in 1 hit: +1 count 

1% mBRV Floor (Can't be broken) & no BRV gains allowed!

Immune to ATK Down and Lock

Community Guides (Coming Soon!)

📚 DissidiaInfo Boss Guide

🎺 Call to Arms

Wave 1 Fight Notes

Fight Health and Reductions:

Fight Timeline:

Scary Enemy Abilities:

Quick Tips:

Wave 2

Enemy: 1x Dark Bahamut & 1x Penelo Manakin

(follow links for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)

Orb Timeline 

-2 on ally action, -2 on Bahamut's turns

BRV Battery at least 100% mBRV: +2 count per ally

1% mBRV Floor (Can't be broken) & can't be launched

Both are Immune to Freeze, Stunning debuffs & ATK Down

Wave 2 Fight Notes

Fight Health and Reductions:

Fight Timeline:

Scary Enemy Abilities:

Quick Tips:

Wave 3

Enemy: 2x Elvoret

(follow links for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)

Orb Timeline 

-3 on ally action, -3 on Dragonfly's turns

Holy BRV DMG from non-active player: +3 count 

Extend buffs: +3 count 

1% mBRV Floor (Can't be broken). 


Wave 3 Fight Notes

Fight Health and Reductions:

Fight Timeline:

Scary Enemy Abilities:

Quick Tips:

🔢 Understanding the fight w/ Xcaliblur's Infographic

🔎 Prepare Party with Destroth's Strategy Infographic

Shelke Lost Chapter

Enemy: 1x Dragonfly (Helicopter) & 5x Sweeper 

(follow links for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)

Orb Timeline 

-1 on ally action, -1 on Dragonfly's turns

Deal fire BRV DMG: +4 count 

Immune to Confusion, Paralyze, Silence, other stunning debuffs

(Not Wakka though)

Community Guides

📚 DissidiaInfo Boss Guide

🎺 Call to Arms

Fight Notes

This fight was brought to you Dragonfly Force!

Fight Health and Reductions:

Fight Timeline:

Scary Enemy Abilities:

Quick Tips:

🔢 Understanding the fight w/ Xcaliblur's Infographic

🔎 Prepare Party with Destroth's Strategy Infographic

Divine Bahamut

Enemy: 1x Divine Bahamut 

(follow links for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)

Orb Timeline 

no change on ally action, -1 on Bahamut's turns

Deal HP DMG with the same character 2 turns in a row to pause the orb. Bahamut or an ally acting will unpause it.

Immune to delay, BREAK delay & turn delete 

Below 80%: Immune to Break (1% mBRV Floor)

Community Guides

📚 DissidiaInfo Boss Guide

🎺 Call to Arms

Fight Notes

This fight was brought to you Baha Blasts!

Fight Health and Reductions:

Fight Timeline:

Scary Enemy Abilities:

Quick Tips:

🔢 Understanding the fight w/ Xcaliblur's Infographic

🔎 Prepare Party with Destroth's Strategy Infographic

Cissnei Story (Act 3 Ch 7 Pt 2)

Enemy: 1x Safer Sephiroth 

(follow links for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)

Orb Timeline 

-2 on ally action, no change on Sephiroths' turns

Sephiroth takes Crit BRV DMG: +1 count 

Specific follow up attacks: +1 count 

Note: Freya and Kain's sky attacks are not considered linked attacks as they happen regardless on anyone's actions; same with Garnet's. Cor's linked attack is considered part of the active party member's attack which disqualifies him from the follow up condition as well.

Immune to launch, delay, turn delete and Max HP Down

Below 80%: Immune to Break (1% mBRV Floor)

Community Guides 

📚 DissidiaInfo Boss Guide

🎺 Call to Arms

Fight Notes

This fight was brought to you Celestial Bodies!

Fight mechanics:

Fight timeline:

Enemy abilities to watch out for:

How do I beat this thing:

🔢 Understanding the fight w/ Xcaliblur's Infographic

🔎 Prepare Party with Destroth's Strategy Infographic

Raijin Intersecting Wills

Enemy: 1x Seifer & 1x Cerberus 

(follow links for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)

Orb Timeline (Only on Cerberus)

-2 on ally action, -2 on Cerberus' turns

Can't move (paralyzed/stunned): +8 count 

HP DMG Taken up from debuff: +2 count 

Community Guides

📚 DissidiaInfo Boss Guide

🎺 Call to Arms

Fight Notes

This fight was brought to you by the homies, ya know?

Fight mechanics :

Fight timeline :

Enemy abilities to watch out for :

How do I beat this thing:

🔢 Understanding the fight w/ Xcaliblur's Infographic

🔎 Prepare Party with Destroth's Strategy Infographic

6 Warrior Beta

Eyes on the Prize (Freya May Faire)

Enemy: 2x Orothkamila

(follow link for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)

Orb Timeline

-3 on ally action, no change on Chimera's turns

Party member healed with ability: +1 count per ally healed

Delete orb holder's turn: +15 count to that target

Party member dodges: +15 count to both

Immune to iBRV Down, stuns, Freeze (Unique Freezes/Confuses like Cater or Wakka bypass this)

Cannot be BREAK delayed, normal Delayed or launched!

Community Guides 

📚 DissidiaInfo Boss Guide

🎺 Call to Arms

Fight Notes

This fight was brought to you by Ratatouille!

Fight mechanics :

Things to watch out for:

How do I beat this thing:

🔢 Understanding the fight w/ Xcaliblur's Infographic

🔎 Prepare Party with Destroth's Strategy Infographic

Alphinaud Heretics

Enemy: 2x Chimera Golem

(follow link for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)

Orb Timeline

-1 on ally action, no change on Chimera's turns

Orb enemy takes HP Poison: +3 count 

Immune to Burn, Weak to Magic, Element Resist Varies

Community Guides 

📚 DissidiaInfo Boss Guide

🎺 Call to Arms

Fight Notes

This fight was brought to you by Manbearpig!

Fight mechanics :

Enemy abilities to watch out for :

How do I beat this thing:

🔢 Understanding the fight w/ Xcaliblur's Infographic

🔎 Prepare Party with Destroth's Strategy Infographic

Seymour IW

Enemy: 1x Xande, 1x Seymour & 1x Onion Knight Manakin

(follow link for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)

Orb Timeline (Only on Xande)

-1 on ally action, no change on Xande's turns

Delay all enemies 2T: +10 count 

Community Guides 

📚 DissidiaInfo Boss Guide

🎺 Call to Arms

Fight Notes

This fight was brought to you by the FF3 stooges!

Fight mechanics :

Enemy abilities to watch out for :

How do I beat this thing:

🔢 Understanding the fight w/ Xcaliblur's Infographic

🔎 Prepare Party with Destroth's Strategy Infographic

Ciaran Story (Act 3 Ch 7 Pt 1)

Enemy: 1x Kefka & waves of 2x Kefka Manakins

(follow link for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)

Orb Timeline

-2 on ally action, -1 on Main Kefka's turns

Character has buff/effect with 5+ stacks: +1 count 

Immune to Max HP Down, Immune to launch, Cannot be BREAK delayed

Community Guides 

📚 DissidiaInfo Boss Guide

🎺 Call to Arms

Fight Notes

This fight was brought to you by IT chapter 3!

Fight mechanics :

Enemy abilities to watch out for :

How do I beat this thing:

🔢 Understanding the fight w/ Xcaliblur's Infographic

🔎 Prepare Party with Destroth's Strategy Infographic

Thancred Raid

Enemy: 2x Tiamat 

(follow link for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)

Orb Timeline

-2 on ally action, no change on Tiamat's turns

Deal 800K HP DMG to enemies: +1 count 

Poison/Sap: +12 count 

Community Guides

📚 DissidiaInfo Boss Guide

🎺 Call to Arms

Fight Notes

This fight was brought to you by King Ghidorah!

Fight mechanics :

Tiamat abilities to watch out for :

How do I beat this thing:

🔢 Understanding the fight w/ Xcaliblur's Infographic

🔎 Prepare Party with Destroth's Strategy Infographic

Irvine IW

Enemy: 2x Iguion

(follow link for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)

Orb Timeline

-2 per ally action, no change on Iguion's turns 

Deal increased HP DMG due to debuff: +1 count 

Ranged BRV DMG: +3 count 

Community Guides 

📚 DissidiaInfo Boss Guide

🎺 Call to Arms

Fight Notes

This fight was brought to you by Yooka Laylee!

Fight mechanics :

Iguion abilities to watch out for :

How do I beat this thing:

🔢 Understanding the fight w/ Xcaliblur's Infographic

🔎 Prepare Party with Destroth's Strategy Infographic

Cloudy with a Chance of Meteors

Enemy: 1x Guardian & 1x King Behemoth (Focus it!)

(follow link for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)

Orb Timeline (Guardian)

no change per ally action, -2 on Guardian's turns (only for Guarian orb)

Take 850K HP DMG in 1 action: +2 count 

Delay Guardian's turn: +2 count 

Community Guides

📚 DissidiaInfo Boss Guide

🎺 Call to Arms

Orb Timeline (King Behemoth)

no change per ally action, no change per Behemoth action

Take 850K HP DMG in 1 action: +2 count 

Both Immune to Freeze and Stun Effects (Debuffs that prevent action)

Fight Notes

This fight was brought to you by apocalyptic meteorologists ushering in the Rapture!

Fight mechanics :

Guardian abilities to watch out for :

King Behemoth abilities to watch out for :

How do I beat this thing:

🔢 Understanding the fight w/ Xcaliblur's Infographic

🔎 Prepare Party with Destroth's Strategy Infographic

Enna Kros Event

Enemy: 1x Château d'illusion & 2x Generals ("unkillable")

(follow link for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)

Orb Timeline

no change per ally action, -2 on book's turns

Dark BRV DMG + 500K HP DMG: +5 count 

Holy BRV DMG + 500K HP DMG: +5 count 

Weak to Holy and Dark

Community Guides 

📚 DissidiaInfo Boss Guide

🎺 Call to Arms

Fight Notes

This fight was brought to you by Toon World!

Fight mechanics :

Boss abilities to watch out for :

How do I beat this thing:

🔢 Understanding the fight w/ Xcaliblur's Infographic

🔎 Prepare Party with Destroth's Strategy Infographic

Raines' Lost Chapter

Enemy: 1x Große Pflanze

(follow link for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)

Orb Timeline

-2 count per ally action, no change on Enemy turns

BRV Regen: +1 count 

Unless use Summon/BT phase and a regen unit, the orb will tick down at least -1 each ally action and orb may detonate!

Community Guides

📚 DissidiaInfo Boss Guide

🎺 Call to Arms

Fight Notes

This fight was brought to you by moldy dragons!

Fight mechanics :

Boss abilities to watch out for :

How do I beat this thing:

🔢 Understanding the fight w/ Xcaliblur's Infographic

🔎 Prepare Party with Destroth's Strategy Infographic

Divine Leviathan

Enemy: 1x Leviathan <Materia> & sets of 2x Bubble <Material> 

(follow link for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)

Orb Timeline

-1 count per ally action, no change on Enemy turns

Evade an attack: +1 count per ally (3 max)

Reduce BRV DMG taken: +1 count per ally (3 max)

Immune to Freeze, Absorbs Water (Rydia forces water weakness), Weak to Thunder

Community Guides

📚 DissidiaInfo Boss Guide

🎺 Call to Arms

Fight Notes

This fight was brought to you by recycled pool noodles!

Fight mechanics :

Boss abilities to watch out for :

How do I beat this thing:

🔢 Understanding the fight w/ Xcaliblur's Infographic

🔎 Prepare Party with Destroth's Strategy Infographic

Cloudy with a Chance of Squall

Enemy: 2x Rafflesia

(follow link for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)

Orb Timeline

-2 count per ally action, no change on Enemy turns

Delay at least 2T: +8 count

Deal Crit BRV DMG: +1 count

Community Guides

📚 DissidiaInfo Boss Guide

🎺 Call to Arms

Fight Notes