Lufenia+ Research
DISCLAIMER - The information below is not a list of meta characters or must pulls. Characters listed are "keys" to solving the puzzle of the Lufenia stage, and you should review our Roles page for alternatives if you lack them! Review the boss notes & character notes to understand the puzzle. You still need a balanced roster of damage dealers & supports work with your key characters to complete the stage. We have done our best to give you information to make your transition to Lufenia difficulty more smooth, but this research is not necessary holistic and is intended to be easily understood and actionable.
Update 2/21: We will still be posting Lufenia+ notes, orb details and suggestions, but they may be delayed a day or two. We will also be directing people toward strong community resources such as Dissidia Info, Excaliblur's Fight Breakdowns & Destroth's Strategic Infographics vs listing key characters & fight details. Our Patrons will maintain access to our run library & research notes ahead of time! Transcendence guides are not affected, and will have the most detailed overviews associated.
Quick FAQ
What's changed?
Lufenia+ stages are Lv250. Look for higher HP pools, and most noticeably, high BRV DMG reduction, high BRV gain reduction, and high DEF stats, like you've never seen - generally 90%+
What do you get for beating a stage?
Generally 5 BT+ nuggets - to learn more about BT+, check our Infographic!
I just started, can I do Lufenia+?
Take your time and don't sweat it, there's endless content for you to do, this content can be punishingly difficult. The only Lufenia+ you should try, are ones where you can beat the Lufenia, and also generally limited time Event Lufenia+! Permanent ones can be done later.
For older, regular Lufenias: Lufenia Archive
Table of Contents at the bottom for your convenience, or just click the first link to jump right to them!
If you see anything you feel is in error or confusing, reach out to us so we can fix it for everyone!
King Heretics
Edge Intersecting Wills
Sice Event
Enemy: 2x Crâne Cruel
(follow links for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)Orb Timeline
-2 on ally action, no change on enemy turnsUp the entire fight (10 start, lethal, 10 max)
Trap ticks down + does damage: +2 count
Ace and Sice occur on anyone's turn
Dark BRV DMG: +2 count
Xande LDCA & Shantotto BT+ enchant party with Dark
Both Enna Kros' calls enchant the caller
Fight Notes
This fight was brought to you Metal Heads!
Fight Health and Reductions:
45T fight to get through 38M HP (19M x 2).
The orb count is an instant KO.
BRV DMG is reduced by up to 70% in this fight.
BRV Gains are reduced by up to 70% in this fight.
Fight Timeline:
79%, 49% & 29% : When one passes a threshold, they both warp after the active members with some space.
(i.e. 1 2 3 A B becomes 1 A 2 B 3 or 1 B 2 A 3) you can delay/break/delete them after they warp.
39%: 1M HP shield. Reflects debuffs while shielded.
Scary Enemy Abilities:
Cursed Skull: AoE Magic BRV. Inflicts HP DMG down to our party.
If they have a lot of BRV, they will ST HP attack.
Quick Tips:
Bully them to your liking, they hardly put up a fight outside of their semi warp. Their HP DMG down debuff can be powered through with HP DMG up supports, HP DMG taken up debuffs and UW.
Sice and Snow can solo this fight so go nuts!
Finis est Initium (GL Exclusive Boss Rush)
Wave 1
Enemy: 2x Optimus
(follow links for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)Orb Timeline
-2 on ally action, no change on enemy turnsAppears at Battle Start (15 start, lethal, 15 max)
Disappears at 79%
Reappears at 49% until the end
Deal 400K HP DMG on a character's consecutive turn: +8 count
AA units, Consecutive turn attackers
Deal 10K BRV DMG to orb holder in 1 hit: +1 count
Bring your BRV DMG up and DEF down characters!
1% mBRV Floor (Can't be broken) & no BRV gains allowed!
Immune to ATK Down and Lock
Wave 1 Fight Notes
Fight Health and Reductions:
28M HP (14M x 2)
The orb count is an instant KO.
BRV DMG is reduced by up to 90% in this fight.
BRV Gains are reduced by 100% in this fight. You cannot BRV gain.
Fight Timeline:
69% & 39%: Triggers giant BRV gains
Scary Enemy Abilities:
Destructive Laser (recast): Removes own debuffs, Recovers from BREAK, AoE Magic BRVs + HP. Guaranteed Hit. Inflicts ATK, DEF, SPD iBRV and mBRV down and poison debuffs.
Destructive Laser+ (recast): Removes own debuffs, Recovers from BREAK, big BRV gain, AoE Magic BRVs + HP. Guaranteed Hit. Inflicts ATK, DEF, SPD iBRV and mBRV down debuffs.
Destructive Laser++ (recast): Removes own debuffs, Recovers from BREAK, big BRV gain, AoE Magic BRVs + HP + 100% splash. Guaranteed Hit. Inflicts ATK, DEF, SPD iBRV and mBRV down debuffs.
Full Salvo: BRV gain + AoE Magic BRVs + Split HP
Splash Cannon: Magic BRVs. HTR on BREAK/broken target.
Lots of other HP attacks holy moly!
Quick Tips:
These guys are out for blood so bring lots of mitigation, counters and traps if you plan on letting them take turns
Alternatively, bring a strong turn hog with linked/field attackers like Cissnei, Kain, Freya, Garnet, etc to deny them turns
No BRV gains means you're heavily relying on your BRV stealing (regular hits) or BRV retain (Iroha for party)
Wave 2
Enemy: 1x Dark Bahamut & 1x Penelo Manakin
(follow links for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)Orb Timeline
-2 on ally action, -2 on Bahamut's turnsOnce recast bar is filled (8 start, lethal, 20 max)
(Automatically fills recast at 79% and 49%)
Disappears once orb count is above 15 or he uses Megaflare+
Forces a turn warp and gets 2 instant turns
BRV Battery at least 100% mBRV: +2 count per ally
Porom, Cait can do it for the party, other Battery effects from BT or party members also work
Units who battery themselves between HP attacks also works for the +2 to keep it stable
1% mBRV Floor (Can't be broken) & can't be launched
Both are Immune to Freeze, Stunning debuffs & ATK Down
Wave 2 Fight Notes
Fight Health and Reductions:
37M HP on Bahamut. Have fun c:
3M HP on Penelo Manakins (if you want to burn them down before they destroy the party)
The orb count is an instant KO.
BRV DMG is reduced by up to 80% in this fight.
BRV Gains are reduced by 50% in this fight.
Fight Timeline:
79% & 49%: Bahamut fills his recast to full and spawns the orb. Once the orb is raised above 15, it will disappear and Bahamut will warp his turn to the active turn and takes 3 turns in a row.
When orb appears, he can't be delayed or deleted. He will also gain BRV on anyone's passing turn.
100%, 79%, 49% & 29%: Summon Penelo.
Scary Enemy Abilities:
Megaflare (recast): Not that scary, just a Split HP attack.
Megaflare+ (recast): Recovers from BREAK, force BREAKs our party, cancels his orb, AoE Magic BRVs + Split HP
Counter Cure: Restores 9.7M HP (Only happens if you come into wave 2 with summon)
Counter Megaflare: Force BREAKs our party, AoE Magic BRVs + Split HP. Guaranteed Hit. (Only happens if you come into wave 2 with summon)
Evanescence (Penelo): Removes enemy party's debuffs, AoE BRVs + Full HP. Applies ATK Up, SPD Up, BRV Regen, HP Regen to party
Quick Tips:
Penelo = Fear. Even if you mitigate her attack, her regens and buffs on Bahamut along with removing your debuffs makes it super scary
You can BT phase to push Bahamut from above 80% to below 49% to force only 1 warp.
Zack eats HP attacks for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Other strong mitigation/evasion options are Leila, Rydia, Auron and Porom along with others.
Try killing Penelo Manakin off with Splash or AoE damage as only focusing on her can eat up your BR turn's left
BRV gains are back which makes damage a little easier, however Penelo and Bahamut's turn warp can make this wave spooky unless you have a way to survive them
Wave 3
Enemy: 2x Elvoret
(follow links for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)Orb Timeline
-3 on ally action, -3 on Dragonfly's turnsAppears at 79% (15 start, non-lethal, 15 max)
Disappears at 59%
Reappears at 49%
Leaves forever below 29%
Holy BRV DMG from non-active player: +3 count
Eiko does it herself on her LD counter
Holy enchanted Follow Ups also work
Extend buffs: +3 count
Yuna, Eiko, Sazh, Hope can extend party buffs
Prishe, Tidus, Terra, and other attackers have moves that extend their own buffs (Potential Special Helpers in the compendium link)
1% mBRV Floor (Can't be broken).
Wave 3 Fight Notes
Fight Health and Reductions:
44M HP (22M HP x 2)
The orb count is not an instant KO.
BRV DMG is reduced by up to 90% in this fight.
BRV Gains are reduced by 70% in this fight.
Fight Timeline:
100%: They apply Tower's Dark Wings buff on themselves at 1 stack. They will try to stack it up to 5 levels
Tower's Dark Wings: Enemy HP DMG +5% per stack, ATK +10/20/30/50/100%. Our party iBRV Down, DEF Down & mBRV Down by 10/20/30/50/100%.
Scary Enemy Abilities:
Storm Breath: Cut our party's BRV by 50%, BRV gain, AoE Magic BRVs + Split HP. BRV gain again by HP DMG dealt. Removes Tower's Dark Wings and reapplies it at max stacks!
Storm Breath+: Cut our party's BRV by 50%, BRV gain, AoE Magic BRVs + Split HP. BRV gain again by HP DMG dealt.
Summarize Power: Removes Tower's Dark Wings and reapplies it with another stack
Quick Tips:
Off the bat they want to use a Storm Breath as their first move so mitigate up or never let them go.
Lowest HP wave if you held onto BT and Summon Phase from Bahamut, you can use them here. Orb is also not too big an issue as you can race the HP thresholds to make it go away with said phases.
Don't bring Brothers summon unless you have heavy BRV gains as you won't deal BRV DMG in it
Bring heavy auras and potentially aura debuffs as you can't inflict traditional debuffs on them.
Shelke Lost Chapter
Enemy: 1x Dragonfly (Helicopter) & 5x Sweeper
(follow links for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)Orb Timeline
-1 on ally action, -1 on Dragonfly's turnsUp the entire fight (12 start, lethal, 15 max)
Deal fire BRV DMG: +4 count
Lulu & Ignis enchant the party
Immune to Confusion, Paralyze, Silence, other stunning debuffs
(Not Wakka though)
Fight Notes
This fight was brought to you Dragonfly Force!
Fight Health and Reductions:
50T fight to get through 35M HP (25M + 5x 2M).
The orb count is an instant KO.
BRV DMG is reduced by up to 70% in this fight.
BRV Gains are reduced by up to 70% in this fight.
Fight Timeline:
100%, 79%, 59%, 39% & 19%: Calling reinforcements and readying attack! Summons Sweeper, Enters evasive mode.
Evasive mode: 100% evasion, canceled upon Sweeper's defeat or after using Carpet Bomb/Carpet Bomb+
Scary Enemy Abilities:
Carpet Bomb: Recovers from BREAK, AoE Ranged BRVs + Split HP
Carpet Bomb+: Recovers from BREAK, AoE Ranged BRV + Full HP
Supporting dragonfly (Sweeper ability): Batteries party, grants SPD Up to Dragonfly, warps Dragonfly's turn after Sweeper's turn
Quick Tips:
Much more lenient fight compared to the last couple, but don't take the sweeper lightly!
Either kill the sweeper as soon as possible or bring extremely heavy mitigation to eat the Sweeper + Dragonfly warp combo.
Sweeper will battery and bring up Dragonfly who will try to Carpet Bomb+ which is a lethal combo if not mitigated.
While the Dragonfly has the purple line aura (it's 100% evasion), you cannot attack it or deal splash damage to it.
Exceptions are units with Guaranteed hits (e.g. Cyan) or Wave Start debuffs on calls.
Heavy hitters or turn hogs can comfortably handle the Sweeper and Dragonfly once it's attackable.
Before, confusing the Dragonfly could prevent it from summoning the Sweeper, but it's immune to stunning debuffs except Wakka, but it will still summon the Sweeper if confused by Wakka's Status Reels.
Divine Bahamut
Enemy: 1x Divine Bahamut
(follow links for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)Orb Timeline
no change on ally action, -1 on Bahamut's turnsOrb is lethal, cannot be raised, only paused
89% - Orb appears (3 count)
79% - Orb leaves
59% - Orb reappears (2 count)
39% - Orb leaves
29% - Orb reappear for the rest of the fight (1 count)
Deal HP DMG with the same character 2 turns in a row to pause the orb. Bahamut or an ally acting will unpause it.
Prishe, Emperor, Celes, Raijin, Gilgamesh, Machina, Units with HP attacking AAs, Snow*
Note: AVOID follow up/linked attacks or field attacks (e.g. Cissnei, Cor, Kain, etc) unless you save Summon/Burst phases for the final 30%
Immune to delay, BREAK delay & turn delete
Below 80%: Immune to Break (1% mBRV Floor)
Fight Notes
This fight was brought to you Baha Blasts!
Fight Health and Reductions:
70T fight to get through 60M HP.
The orb count is an instant KO.
BRV DMG is reduced by up to 50% in this fight.
BRV Gains are reduced by up to 90% in this fight.
Fight Timeline:
79%, 69%, 49%, 29% & 9%: Grants 1% mBRV floor aura for 10T (Anyone's turns passing lowers this)
89% - 80%: Orb appears with 3 ticks
59% - 40%: Orb appears with 2 ticks
29% - 0%: Orb appears with 1 ticks
Scary Enemy Abilities:
Gigaflare Divine (recast): AoE Magic BRV + Split HP. Applies Embers field effect for 10% (Anyone's turns passing lowers this). Guaranteed hit.
Embers: Our active party member has all their BRV drained at start of turn
Megaflare: Recover from BREAK. AoE Magic BRV + Split HP. BRV gain after. Guaranteed hit.
Quick Tips:
Get a snack, water and get comfy; this fight might take a while.
Bring HP mitigation as Bahamut likes to use big HP attacks and will probably get the chance to fairly often
Leila, Zack, Basch, WoL, Nine, Snow were all very reliable sources of HP DMG Mitigation
The orb is a little tricky as you need a unit with an instant turn rate attacking move to satisfy the orb.
Snow can pause the orb if his turn was after an ally's turn for some reason.
Linked attackers and field attackers such as Cissnei, Freya, Kain, CoD, etc will mess with the orb so bring them at your own risk
Highly advised to save BT and/or Summon phase for the final stretch of the fight as misplaying with a 1-count orb will lead to a loss late into an HP heavy fight.
Don't space out too hard, you got this again!
Cissnei Story (Act 3 Ch 7 Pt 2)
Enemy: 1x Safer Sephiroth
(follow links for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)Orb Timeline
-2 on ally action, no change on Sephiroths' turnsAppears below 80% (10 start, lethal, 10 max)
Sephiroth takes Crit BRV DMG: +1 count
Cissnei, Tifa, Cloud, etc have Crit rate up in their base kit
Sazh, Cait, Barret, Nine provide party wide Crit buffs/auras. Aranea provides a Crit resist down debuff.
Specific follow up attacks: +1 count
Cissnei, Noctis, CoD, Yang
Note: Freya and Kain's sky attacks are not considered linked attacks as they happen regardless on anyone's actions; same with Garnet's. Cor's linked attack is considered part of the active party member's attack which disqualifies him from the follow up condition as well.
Immune to launch, delay, turn delete and Max HP Down
Below 80%: Immune to Break (1% mBRV Floor)
Fight Notes
This fight was brought to you Celestial Bodies!
Fight mechanics:
40T fight to get through 44M HP.
The orb count is an instant KO.
BRV DMG is reduced by up to 70% in this fight.
BRV Gains are reduced by up to 70% in this fight.
Fight timeline:
79%, 49%, 29%: Warps turn forward, takes 3 consecutive turns. Gains 1% mBRV floor after 79% (cannot be broken).
19%: Heartless Angel+ BREAKs party, reduces party's HP to 1%. Can be dodged/mitigated. Inflicts Max HP Down to party.
Enemy abilities to watch out for:
Deen: AoE Magic BRV. Removes party's unframed buffs. Triggers Light Shines in!
Light Shines in!: Removes debuffs on self
BRV Attack: can inflict Blind or Paralyze on target.
Pale Horse: Recovers from BREAK, AoE magic BRVs + Split HP.
How do I beat this thing:
Get a snack, water and get comfy; this fight might take a while.
Bring HP mitigation as Seph likes to use HP attacks often and will probably get the chance to fairly often
Leila, Zack, Basch, WoL, Nine, Snow were all very reliable sources of HP DMG Mitigation
Rydia, Freya and Locke were different forms to stay alive as well, but require some timing/upkeep.
The orb can be quite scary without the right tools to handle it. Crit buffs/auras are highly recommended to at least keep the orb going down 1 tick at a time instead of 2.
As mentioned above, Freya and Kain can't satisfy the follow up condition, but with Crit buffs/auras they can still increase the orb. If the active member and Freya/Kain crit they can maintain the orb neutral. They can also up the orb on Sephiroth's turns which can be useful.
Cissnei or Cissnei friend are the easiest silver bullets for the orb, but Noctis or CoD friends/allies can help and offer more damage/utility with their own turns.
Don't space out too hard, you got this!
Raijin Intersecting Wills
Enemy: 1x Seifer & 1x Cerberus
(follow links for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)Orb Timeline (Only on Cerberus)
-2 on ally action, -2 on Cerberus' turnsAppears below 80% (10 start, lethal, 15 max)
Can't move (paralyzed/stunned): +8 count
Raijin, Other stunners listed here
HP DMG Taken up from debuff: +2 count
Raijin, Seymour, Kurasame, Laguna, Maria, Lilisette, Decil, Wakka, Gabranth, Cinque, Ignis, Aerith, Auron, Fran
Fight Notes
This fight was brought to you by the homies, ya know?
Fight mechanics :
35T fight to get through 28M HP (2x 14M)
The orb count is an instant KO.
BRV DMG is reduced by up to 70% in this fight.
BRV Gains are reduced by up to 70% in this fight.
Fight timeline :
Seifer 89%, 69%,49% and 29%: Inflicts Scar of Destruction1T and Foul 4T, AoE BRVs + AoE HP.
Scar of Destruction: Cannot steal BRV.
Foul: DEF down, BRV Gains down, Sap
Cerberus 89%, 59% and 29%: Forces his turn, goes twice then warps Seifer's turn after it.
Enemy abilities to watch out for :
Berserk Storm (recast): AoE Magic BRVs + HPs. Removes own debuffs afterward.
Triple: Negates Magic BRV attacks, performs 3 actions per turn.
How do I beat this thing:
Prepare for the threshold debuffs, attacks and warps! Raijin LD and LDCA can prevent Seifer's debuff and damage
With high enough damge in BT phase, you can apply Raijin LDCA and damage race them down to avoid mechanics
If handling the fight normally, bring a good tank, normal debuff evasion, healing, debuff cleansing or revives.
6 Warrior Beta
Eyes on the Prize (Freya May Faire)
Enemy: 2x Orothkamila
(follow link for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)
Orb Timeline
-3 on ally action, no change on Chimera's turnsAppears below 80% (12, 15 max, lethal)
Party member healed with ability: +1 count per ally healed
Freya can do this while in the air, but other healers with healing skills can also do this
Delete orb holder's turn: +15 count to that target
Zidane, Enna Kros, Amidatelion, Ultimecia (pls no)
Party member dodges: +15 count to both
Recast is guaranteed UNLESS the unit is in the air (Kain/Freya jumps)
Immune to iBRV Down, stuns, Freeze (Unique Freezes/Confuses like Cater or Wakka bypass this)
Cannot be BREAK delayed, normal Delayed or launched!
Fight Notes
This fight was brought to you by Ratatouille!
Fight mechanics :
60T fight to get through 40M HP (2x 20M)
The orb count is an instant KO!
BRV DMG is reduced by up to 90% in this fight.
BRV Gains are reduced by up to 70% in this fight.
Things to watch out for:
Orb appears below 80% and stays forever
Each enemy removes it's debuffs below 50%
Glowing Recast means the next move will be unavoidable, so heavily mitigate, last stand or Kain/Freya dodge it
If you don't break/poison before it attacks, it will do it's + version and Petrify
At lower HP, ALL attacks can be very dangerous and can do Earth Crush which will do 2 group HP attacks that last stand might not be able to save you from!
Lots of HP attacks and BRV gains!!
How do I beat this thing:
Lots of BRV gains and HP attacks coming your way so go delete happy with Zidane BT or let them take turns and heal up/reset mitigation before the next big hit.
Fight requires a Lance weapon type and Freya is an easy synergy pick. Nine, Kain and other Lance users can also be helpful to satisfy this condition
Shiva, Cater or Wakka Freeze debuffs can still work despite the Freeze immunity since the listed sources are unique freezes
Alphinaud Heretics
Enemy: 2x Chimera Golem
(follow link for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)
Orb Timeline
-1 on ally action, no change on Chimera's turnsAppears at quest start (6, 8 max, non lethal*)
Orb enemy takes HP Poison: +3 count
Alphinaud (LD), Exdeath, Yda (S2)
Immune to Burn, Weak to Magic, Element Resist Varies
Fight Notes
This fight was brought to you by Manbearpig!
Fight mechanics :
60T fight to get through 28M HP (2x 14M)
The orb count is NOT an instant KO, but applies Petrify 3T and Burn 2T to the party along with removing all your buffs.
BRV DMG is reduced by up to 70% in this fight.
BRV Gains are reduced by up to 70% in this fight.
Enemy abilities to watch out for :
Trinity Hurricane (orb): Recover from BREAK, remove all party's buffs, remove all own debuffs. Inflicts Petrify 3T, Poison 3T and Burn 2T guaranteed.
Game Over when all party members are petrified! Avoid full party petrify by using a call when both orbs are at 1 count remaining and then you can cleanse/wait out the petrify and get back to bullying!
Petrify : Unable to act
Burn : HP Poison (10% mHP)
Shift Change: Changes heads from Goat -> Lion -> Dragon -> Goat -> etc
Goat: Heavy Resist Fire and Thunder
Lion: Heavy Resist Water and Earth
Dragon: Heavy Resist Ice and Wind
Body of Steel : 999% BRV DMG reductions, resists delay, break delay, turn delete and resists instant BREAK
Occurs below 80% and again below 20%.
Canceled at 74% and 14%
How do I beat this thing:
Exdeath BT, Alphinaud friend or Alphinaud LD in party trivializes the orb
So little HP means it can be raced if you use launch to quickly fill summon and damage race with the Summon and BT phase
Eiko cannot ignore the orb c:
Feel free to use Exdeath base call and let the bosses take turns to handle orb and burn the rest of their HP
Seymour IW
Enemy: 1x Xande, 1x Seymour & 1x Onion Knight Manakin
(follow link for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)
Orb Timeline (Only on Xande)
-1 on ally action, no change on Xande's turnsAppears at quest start (10, 10 max, lethal)
Delay all enemies 2T: +10 count
Seymour, Selphie, Ramza, Cloud, Gilgamesh (RNG), Seifer (should work now), Quistis, Sabin
Fight Notes
This fight was brought to you by the FF3 stooges!
Fight mechanics :
55T fight to get through 45M HP (Each has 15M HP)
The orb count is an instant KO.
BRV DMG is not reduced in this fight.
BRV Gains are reduced by up to 90% in this fight.
Enemy abilities to watch out for :
Destruction Quaga (Xande): Resets our BREAKs. AoE BRVs + Split HP 2x
Happens at Quest Start & below 50% of Xande's mHP!
Libra Combo (Xande): AoE BRVs + Split HP. Inflicts Apprehension of Weakness 6T (Fire, Earth and Dark resist down)
Quake (Xande): AoE BRVs + Split HP.
Seymour's turn rate became instantaneous (Seymour): Move his turn to the active turn. Gets instant turn rate for 2T.
Happens when below 80% and 50% of Seymour's mHP
Lance of Atrophy (Seymour): BRVs + HP. Can inflict ATK Down and DEF Down
Can trigger Chainspell if target below 80% mHP
Chainspell (Seymour): Magic BRVs. High turn rate, extra BRV DMG to debuffed targets.
Chainspell+ (Seymour): Magic BRVs + HP. Guaranteed hit.
Swap Turns (OK Manakin): Move Seymour and Xande's turn to the active turn.
Happens below 50% of Onion Knight Manakin's mHP
How do I beat this thing:
3 enemy fight means you will probably be doing lots of damage, but be prepared for the threshold mechanics
Mitigate or evade the incoming damage with tanks, defensive supports, Rydia, Kimahri, Irvine, etc
Bring some kind of healing as you will be HP attacked right away
Onion Knight is a non threat until he dips below 50% as he will warp both Seymour and Xande's turns forward
Xande is the only enemy with an orb and you may choose to damage rage him but you probably want to bring a 2T delaying call like Seymour or Cloud for breathing room unless your BT unit already offers the 2T delay
Selphie in party can tick orb before swapping out for friend and letting your BT unit destroy their HP
Ciaran Story (Act 3 Ch 7 Pt 1)
Enemy: 1x Kefka & waves of 2x Kefka Manakins
(follow link for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)
Orb Timeline
-2 on ally action, -1 on Main Kefka's turnsAppears at quest start (10, 15 max, lethal)
Character has buff/effect with 5+ stacks: +1 count
Ciaran, Terra, Noctis, Zack, Celes, Alisaie, Gladio, Ardyn, Cor, etc. See link above for more options!
Immune to Max HP Down, Immune to launch, Cannot be BREAK delayed
Fight Notes
This fight was brought to you by IT chapter 3!
Fight mechanics :
55T fight to get through at least 25M HP (Main Kefka's HP). Kefka Manakins have
The orb count is an instant KO.
BRV DMG is reduced by up to 70% in this fight.
BRV Gains are reduced by up to 70% in this fight.
Enemy abilities to watch out for :
Light of Judgement: Reduces party's hp to 1% of current HP. Inflicts Max HP Down.
Happens at Quest Start & 10% HP!
Forsaken (B): BRV gain (if lower than iBRV) + HP attack. Inflicts Max HP Down
Trine: BRV gain + HP attack. Inflicts Blind and HP Attack Disable
I've given you an enhancement: Grants ATK, DEF and SPD up framed buffs to enemy party
Issued an order to attack!: Forces Kefka Manakins to use Trine+. After Manakin's use Trine+, will use Summon Manakin.
Trine+ (Manakins): BRV gain + HP attack on a random party member. Inflicts Blind and HP Attack Disable framed debuffs on target. Guaranteed HP attack, debuffs are evadable. Yeetus Deletus self.
Summon Manakin: Summons 2 Kefka Manakins. Can occur during BT phase.
Trine (Manakins): BRV gain + HP attack. Inflicts Blind and HP Attack Disable debuffs on target.
Havoc Wing (Manakins): Recover from BREAK. Magiv BRVs + HP attack. Inflicts Sneering Clown framed debuff. High Turn Rate.
How do I beat this thing:
Since the Kefka Manakins will self destruct at thresholds (79%, 49% and 29%) it is wise to plan BT phase and Summon for the 49% and 29% thresholds
Besides the threshold HP attacks, Kefkas REALLY like using HP attacks so consider heals and mitigation as all the outgoing HP damage can be mitigated including Light of Judgement's HP gravity!
Cover tanks or other defensive supports can help mitigate the onslaught of incoming HP damage
Special nod to Gladio as with his Blink buff, he is immune to HP damage AND debuffs making him a very comfy party member
Recommended to bring Debuff immunity in party or Lenna/Debuff Cleansing calls like Paine, Yuna, Ceodore, Mog, etc to combat the nasty debuffs you can face
While the Kefkas are BREAK delay immune, you can still delete and regular delay them to make some breathing room.
If Manakins are dead when Kefka hit's a threshold they can't attack, however if you kill them during BT phase, they will respawn during it.
The orb probably isn't what's going to kill you this fight
Thancred Raid
Enemy: 2x Tiamat
(follow link for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)
Orb Timeline
-2 on ally action, no change on Tiamat's turnsAppears at quest start (15, 15 max, non lethal)
Deal 800K HP DMG to enemies: +1 count
Laguna, Sherlotta, Cyan, Enna Kros, Raines, Ramza, BT+ Finishers, strong launches
Poison/Sap: +12 count
Faris/Thancred refined spheres on an E slot
Fight Notes
This fight was brought to you by King Ghidorah!
Fight mechanics :
90T fight to get through 28M HP (2x 14M HP)
The orb count is not an instant KO.
BRV DMG is reduced by up to 90% in this fight.
BRV Gains are reduced by up to 90% in this fight.
Tiamat abilities to watch out for :
Jet Burst+ (Orb attack): remove debuffs on self, magic AoE BRV attack. Inflicts Heat. Guaranteed hit.
Jet Fire(recast): magic AoE BRV attack. Inflicts Heat 1T. Guaranteed hit.
Jet Burst: AoE magic BRV + Split HP. Inflicts Heat 1T.
Heat: BRV Poison (100% iBRV), HP Poison (50% ATK)
Cut in turn order!: moves turn to active turn, BRV gain, 999% BRV & HP reduction. Grants BRV Regen 2T to self
Occurs at 79% and 49% mHP
Heat Rising!: BRV gain, fills recast gauge, 100% HP DMG reduction, immune to turn delay/delete. Effects cancelled upon using Jet Fire.
Occurs at 79% mHP
Became immune to a certain amount of HP damage!: both bosses gain an 800K HP shield each
Occurs at 29% mHP
How do I beat this thing:
There might be some big numbers thrown around, but it's going to BRV attack you more often than not making it a super simple fight
As you beat up the bosses, they will turn jump however you are expected to lower their BRV with poison and will not do much damage with regular counters, that said, as mentioned above there is very little threat as the bosses probably won't HP attack making it a weird mechanic you just have to wait until your next turn
Even when they reduce HP DMG by 100%, we have access to HP DMG taken up debuffs, HP DMG up buffs and auras along with Ultima Weapons to boost HP DMG and their limits even further should you choose to go as hard as you can for most of the fight
Upping the orb isn't terribly difficult with how strong newer units have been and it's cumulative among the enemies so dealing 400k between them both is enough to maintain the orb.
Garnet + Garnet friend will be eating for a while again
Irvine IW
Enemy: 2x Iguion
(follow link for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)
Orb Timeline
-2 per ally action, no change on Iguion's turnsAppears at quest start (10, 40 max, non lethal)
Deal increased HP DMG due to debuff: +1 count
Irvine, Laguna, Kurasame, Fran, Decil, Gabranth, Lilisette, etc.
Ranged BRV DMG: +3 count
Irvine, Laguna, Noctis, too many other to fully list
Fight Notes
This fight was brought to you by Yooka Laylee!
Fight mechanics :
60T fight to get through 32M HP (2x 15M HP + 2x 1M HP shield)
The orb count is not an instant KO.
BRV DMG is reduced by up to 70% in this fight.
BRV Gains are reduced by up to 70% in this fight.
Iguion abilities to watch out for :
Reunite (Orb attack): Removes debuffs on self, increase all resistances, HP DMG Resist +100%
Special countdown canceled : Increases HP DMG taken +30%, cancels Reunite buffs if they were up.
Magma breath (recast): Fire AoE attack. Chance of inflicting Petrify
How do I beat this thing:
This fight is so incredibly easy with some delay and damage I was debating making this write up especially if you've pulled anything in the past month and built them up (LDs, BTs, Summon Boards, Crystal Levels)
There are Terra BT+, Cloud BT+, Noctis BT+, Seifer LD, Shadow LD, Zidane BT+, and Lightning BT+ solos. Go find a Laguna friend and your base Irvine calls and go nuts.
Garnet + Garnet friend will be eating for a while again
Cloudy with a Chance of Meteors
Enemy: 1x Guardian & 1x King Behemoth (Focus it!)
(follow link for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)
Orb Timeline (Guardian)
no change per ally action, -2 on Guardian's turns (only for Guarian orb)Appears at quest start (10, 12 max, non lethal)
Take 850K HP DMG in 1 action: +2 count
Sherlotta, Cyan, Enna Kros, Raines, Ramza, BT+ Finishers, strong launches
Delay Guardian's turn: +2 count
Selphie, Ramza, Raines, Quistis
Orb Timeline (King Behemoth)
no change per ally action, no change per Behemoth actionAppears at quest start (10, 12 max, lethal)
Take 850K HP DMG in 1 action: +2 count
Sherlotta, Cyan, Enna Kros, Raines, Ramza, BT+ Finishers, strong launches
Both Immune to Freeze and Stun Effects (Debuffs that prevent action)
Fight Notes
This fight was brought to you by apocalyptic meteorologists ushering in the Rapture!
Fight mechanics :
60T fight to get through 36M HP (2x 18M HP)
The orb count on the Behemoth **IS** an instant KO.
The orb count on the Guardian is not an instant KO.
BRV DMG is reduced by up to 70% in this fight.
BRV Gains are reduced by up to 70% in this fight.
Guardian abilities to watch out for :
Meteor++ (Orb attack): recover from BREAK, magic AoE BRV + Split HP attack. Deletes party's next turns
Meteor+ : recover from BREAK, magic AoE BRV + Split HP attack. Freeze field effect. Guaranteed hit. Used when 1 unit takes 5 consecutive turns (outside of BT and summon phases)
Magiteck Laser: recover from BREAK, magic BRV + HP attack.
Meteor: magic AoE BRV attack. High turn rate on BREAK/broken
High-Pressure Water Cannon: water BRV attack. High turn rate
King Behemoth abilities to watch out for :
Meteor++ (Orb attack): recovers from break, removes debuffs, KOs enemies. Guaranteed hit. Restarts the orb count if the fight isn't over.
Heave: Recovers from BREAK, BRV gain + HP attack.
Mighty Roar: Grants iBRV, ATK, DEF, mBRV Up, HP Regen, BRV Regen 3T. Grants 1M HP Shield on self.
Meteor: magic AoE BRV + Split HP attack.
Meteor+ (if 1M HP shield not removed): (BRV gain + Split HP) 2x. Removes HP Shield.
Cut in turn order!: Warps turn to active turn. Gains Instant Turn Rate for 2T. Happens after going below 50% and 30% mHP.
How do I beat this thing:
FOCUS THE BEHEMOTH!!! If it dies, the Guardian does not enrage making clean up much easier.
It is very easy for off turn damage to kill you (counters, traps, linked attacks) so bring them at your own risk!
This fight was designed for Sherlotta, Selphie and Zack with BT. They will be one of the comfier teams to run; do not worry about calls outside of boosting BRV gains and even then avoid dealing BRV DMG that can put the orb too low for comfort.
Ramza is a great teammate/friend to deal big damage to keep orb and Behemoth in check. Enna Kros can melt HP as well.
If your damage is above 850K but you still do BRV DMG, the orb will only go down by 1. Also note, the orb asks for 850K HP DMG individually so AoE attacks are also dangerous.
Some other notable units are Lenna, Cait Sith and Ignis for either their ability to heal party up, deal HP DMG without BRV DMG or weakening the bosses severely!
Bring some mitigation if you're not planning to kill the Behemoth from above 50% as it will warp it's turn and start spamming potentially lethal moves.
Leila is great here for Behemoth's instant turns so long as you have orb coverage in another teammate.
Your friends and calls can die and that's OKAY! Take as much HP DMG as you want just don't have main party members stay dead!
Garnet + Garnet friend aren't and ez win for once!
Enna Kros Event
Enemy: 1x Château d'illusion & 2x Generals ("unkillable")
(follow link for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)
Orb Timeline
no change per ally action, -2 on book's turnsAppears at quest start (8, 25 max, non lethal)
Disappears when count reaches above 20
Reappears after using "Book closed!" (8, 25 max, non lethal)
Dark BRV DMG + 500K HP DMG: +5 count
Enna Kros, Xande, Shantotto, Decil
Holy BRV DMG + 500K HP DMG: +5 count
Enna Kros, Eiko, Ashe, Ceodore, Pecil
Weak to Holy and Dark
Fight Notes
This fight was brought to you by Toon World!
Fight mechanics :
80T fight to get through 23M HP
The orb count is not an instant KO.
BRV DMG is reduced by up to 90% in this fight.
BRV Gains are reduced by up to 90% in this fight.
Boss abilities to watch out for :
Gespenstlicht+: Recover from BREAK. removes debuffs, AoE BRV + Split HP attack. Delays our party 3T. Reduces HP DMG taken by 150% for 2T.
Gespenstlicht: Recover from break, AoE BRV + Split HP attack. Delays our party 1T.
The book opens!: Kills off 2 Generals. HP DMG Taken +50%
The book closes!: HP DMG Taken -50%
Summons General!: Summons 2 Generals
Generals have basic BRV/HP attacks and can shield an ally on their turn. They also cannot be killed and heal to 100% mHP after taking damage from an attack.
How do I beat this thing:
With so many BT+ units at this point, BT+, summon and BT phase with good single target damage can eat this fight up.
While orb isn't lethal, probably not a great idea to let it go off because of the increased HP DMG resistance
Enna Kros is the star and deals a boat load of damage, however can be replaced by another damage dealer and a holy or dark enchant call
Garnet + Garnet friend will be eating for a while.
Raines' Lost Chapter
Enemy: 1x Große Pflanze
(follow link for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)
Orb Timeline
-2 count per ally action, no change on Enemy turnsAppears at 79% (10, 10 max, non lethal)
BRV Regen: +1 count
Steiner, Garnet, Serah, Lenna, etc. (Way too many)
Unless use Summon/BT phase and a regen unit, the orb will tick down at least -1 each ally action and orb may detonate!
Fight Notes
This fight was brought to you by moldy dragons!
Fight mechanics :
80T fight to get through 24M HP
The orb count is not an instant KO.
BRV DMG is reduced by up to 70% in this fight.
BRV Gains are reduced by up to 70% in this fight.
Boss abilities to watch out for :
The orb will probably explode unless you hard race it which is fine.
Took an offensive posture!: boss grants [ATK Up] and [BRV DMG Up]. Applies 400K HP Shield to self along with 70% HP DMG Reduction on non chase damage. Turns cannot be delayed, BREAK delayed or deleted.
Tempest (recast): Recover from break, BRV gain, AoE BRV + Split HP attack. Inflicts [SPD Down] & [Turn Rate Down] to party. Removes effects from Took an offensive posture!
Tempest+ (orb attack): Removes debuffs on self, recover from BREAK, BRV gain, AoE BRV + Split HP attack.
Blossom Bomb: BRV + HP attack. Recovers HP based on HP DMG dealt.
Regenerative powers rising: Gains BRV/HP Regens on it's turns.
Regenerative powers rising further: Higher Regens than before
Regenerative powers returned!: After we deal 200K HP DMG from chase damage, cancels above effects
Storing nutreients: Recovers from BREAK, big BRV gain, gains instant-BREAK immunity until it's next turn. Low turn rate.
How do I beat this thing:
Raines is not as necessary in his Lost Chapter as he was in his event, however having him makes the bosses' framed turns less threatening if you lack BT or summon phases and need to quickly shave BRV.
As mentioned above be prepared to take an orb attack/reapply debuffs if the orb explodes.
Many ways to prevent/reduce damage. Steiner is the banner character with an ATK down debuff, BRV battery after anyone's action and mitigations, but Rydia's LD evade, Zack's BT effect and other mitigators can also handle the orb.
Garnet + Garnet friend will be eating for a while.
Divine Leviathan
Enemy: 1x Leviathan <Materia> & sets of 2x Bubble <Material>
(follow link for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)
Orb Timeline
-1 count per ally action, no change on Enemy turnsAppears at 79% (5, 45 max, non lethal)
Disappears when count reaches 45
Refreshes orb after it detonates or at 49% (5, 45 max, non lethal)
Evade an attack: +1 count per ally (3 max)
Rydia, Leila, Kimahri, Galuf, Edge
Reduce BRV DMG taken: +1 count per ally (3 max)
Zack, WoL, Celes, Beatrix, Nine, Cor, Basch, etc
Immune to Freeze, Absorbs Water (Rydia forces water weakness), Weak to Thunder
Fight Notes
This fight was brought to you by recycled pool noodles!
Fight mechanics :
100T fight to get through at least 30MHP (Levi)
Bubbles have 3M HP each
The orb count is not an instant KO.
BRV DMG is reduced by up to 80% in this fight.
BRV Gains are reduced by up to 70% in this fight.
Boss abilities to watch out for :
The orb existing will have our units delay themselves 2T after each action! It will send BT phase users to oblivion btw.
Tsunami Divine+ (recast/threshold attack): Recover from BREAK, many Water BRV + Split HP attack. Applies Whirlpool 2T field effect. Grants [Leviathan Scales] 1T to self and gains Resist Veil effect. Will occur at 89%, 69%, 49% and 29%!
Whirlpool: Our party SPD & Turn Rate -30%. Leviathan summons/heals Bubbles after putting up Whirlpool
Leviathan Scales: DEF +50%, SPD +20%
Resist Veil: 1% mBRV Floor (after recovering from BREAK, cannot be broken or go below 1% mBRV)
Tsunami Divine (orb attack): AoE BRVs + Split HP attack. Inflicts [Inundation] 2T on our party.
Inundation: Cannot gain BRV. (The green numbers, you can still steal BRV)
Spume: BRV gain + HP attack.
Flash Flood (bubbles): AoE BRV + Split HP attack. Inflicts HP DMG down to the party
How do I beat this thing:
Zack is the on banner trooper making Levi pull out a gun to no avail. Other Notable units are listed in the orb section section as you want to avoid taking damage and reducing BRV DMG or evading are good ways to do this.
That said, Leila is another strong choice if foregoing Zack as her HP DMG Mitigation, Evade and party warp are very strong to counter Levi
Rydia's new LD lets her bypass Levi's Water absorb and lets the party dodge by giving them each member Blink which lets them dodge as long as it has stacks. Using this in tandem with Leila is a good way to ignore orb detonation if brute forcing/skipping thresholds
Pairing Rydia with 2 units that have instant turn rates
Unless you blitz the heck out of the bosses, you will have to face a cleanse + warp. If you survive the ALL attack, this is your time to use debuffs + big damage
Highly recommended to bring offturn damage dealers unless you bring units with big nuke buttons to counter the 2T delay while orb is up
Garnet + Garnet friend will be eating for a while.
Cloudy with a Chance of Squall
Enemy: 2x Rafflesia
(follow link for enemy details on Dissidia Compendium)
Orb Timeline
-2 count per ally action, no change on Enemy turnsAppears at 79% (8, 8 max, lethal)
Delay at least 2T: +8 count
Cloud, CoD, Lightning, Ramza (after LD board changes)
Deal Crit BRV DMG: +1 count
Cait Sith, Sazh
Fight Notes