Dark Knight Cecil
Character Notes & Recommendations
Have updates or suggestions? Contact us via Reddit or Discord, find our info Behind the Scenes!Summon Board Passive selections:
Numbers listed below refer to the 7 passives to select for each Ultimate Summon Board for the character. Top is 1, bottom is 7.Diabolos choose 3 / 4 / 6
Odin choose 3 / 6 / 7
Bahamut choose 1 / 6 / 7 (may as well since 4 & 5 will never be active since the threshold is high at HP > 80%)
Ifrit, Shiva, Ramuh, Brothers 4 / 5 / 7
Leviathan, Pandemonium, Alexander 4 / 5 / 6
For more details and help with summons, check Summon Hub!
Additional Weapons
Manikin Weapon: Adds S1 & S2 BRV DMG +10%
Acquire by finishing Act 2, Chapter 5 and going to Chapter 5.8
Acquire through Item Exchange > Power Token Exchange
Sphere Recommendations
NOTE: The sphere letters below are hyperlinked to our Sphere Hub which lists all available spheres sorted by effect!A Sphere - Focus ATK & BRV DMG. Notably, you should give him his own sphere or Rinoa’s though since he should almost always be operating at low health.
C Sphere - Why does he have a C slot? :| Avoid the self healing spheres in general. Krile’s is probably the best, or Alphinaud’s… Lots of other mediocre options.
E Sphere - ATK is best along with a 6T debuffing effect or longer. As he is a mixed physical attacker, avoid melee / ranged spheres. Seymour & Emperor are best, Eald & Serah are fine consider no other options are worth it.
How-To-Play Notes:
Open with Soul Eater (LD) to upgrade his entire kit and apply his New Moon Mysteries and Dark Imperil to hit the ground running!
Darkness+ (S1) is a great AoE BRV shave when you need it
Valiant Blow+ (S2) is high turn rate, so always check to make sure that an earlier turn for him won’t ruin your expected launch. Hold down the skill to see where he’ll jump to!
Dark Cannon (EX) whenever you like, it recharges in 3 skills, 2 of which will always be + skills thanks to his 1 use + version conditions being ignored.
Danger Crush (AA) is your go-to if needed after a burst heal to drain your HP and set up + versions, but note that with any HP regen effect on the team, you might regen enough HP afterward to turn off your + versions..
Start of a Distant Journey (BT) grants allies his pretty strong BT effects and he gains a potent HP poison (at the cost of your Party's health). While the poison doesn't scale with Force Time, it is a consistent, sizeable chunk of damage that adds up over time even outside of FR time. Just make sure party has survival tools for enemy turns should they get any.
Dark Blast (FR) takes advantage of his BT effect by asking for:
Dark Damage on turn (20%) &
Being below full HP on turn (30%), if the acting member is below 50% of their max HP the bonus increases from 30% -> 60%
Being under max HP also provides allies with 20% HP DMG & Limit.
Removable Passives
Should only be removed as a last resortKill BRV Gain
BRV Attack++ HP Attack ++ (Power) - (if no healer in party comp since it will never be active, but make sure to re-equip if you are auto farming)
Darkness Attack Up (1T ATK +10% after using Darkness/+)
Smash Attack Up (1T ATK +10% after initiating launch)
BRV Attack++ HP Attack ++ (Heal)