Character Notes & Recommendations
Have updates or suggestions? Contact us via Reddit or Discord, find our info Behind the Scenes!Summon Board Passive selections:
Odin choose 3 / 6 / 7
Bahamut choose 4 / 5 / 6
Ifrit, Shiva, Ramuh, Brothers 4 / 5 / 7
Leviathan, Pandemonium, Diabolos, Alexander 4 / 5 / 6
For more details and help with summons, check Summon Hub!
Sphere Recommendations
A Sphere - ATK or BRV DMG for her attacks as half of them have no BRV gains between HP attacks
D Spheres - Hope, Queen, Cissnei or a basic party ATK sphere.
How-To-Play Notes
Thanks to LegEater for their thorough Jessie notes they allowed Cel to edit and publish!
Jessie is a "3rd slot" turn manipulation specialist with gameplay that completely depends on what you want the team, or the enemies' turns to look like. As such she has no strict play patterns and uses what is appropriate to the situation. If you want to deny enemy turns, you can do so by either delaying them or pulling up allies!
Spinning Back Kick (S1) applies her buff and delays her target 2T
Uprising (S2) selects 1 ally and brings them up after Jessie's attack and she batteries the party
The Show Must Go On (EX) drags all her allies forward (you choose who goes first) applies her EX buff, batteries Party and deals damage. It's considered instant turn but since she pulls her friends up she'll be right before them. The base version also keeps it's charge so you can do it again! The upgraded version is the same but uses up the EX gauge and gives her a free skill usage for more delays/warps.
Absolute Fall (LD) moves her turn after whoever you pick and she can pick herself so she can chain a few turns back to back if you want to. It also Delays enemies 2T so she can create quite a bit of space to ensure safety.
Curtain Call (BT) grants the party the usual auras and unlocks a special effect while the BT effect is active: Mounted Explosive Device
Mounted Explosive Device stores the amount of BRV damage the party deals that she unleashes with a transformed HP attack by the same name
Mounted Explosive Device (HP+) Deals Full damage based on the special effect 3 times (hard limit of 999,999 damage even if more is stored).
My Life, My Road (FR) delays enemies 2T and asks for:
Ranged ability on turn (20%)
Manipulate Ally or Enemy turns on turn (20%)
Acting after an allied turn (40%) This is similar to Onion Knight's FR!
Team Synergy and FR Notes:
Due to the nature of the FR, prioritise the last condition which gives 40%, and any one of the earlier conditions to get 60%.
There are not many units that can hit all 3 for a full 80%, but with Jessie hitting 80% easily and other members hitting 60% it is enough for most fights especially with FR Retain.
It is an option to spam Jessie's LD to bump the gauge and have someone else take advantage of it after.
Noctis - able to cover the turn manipulation condition for the entire party with Warpstep buff, allowing more flexibility.
Seifer, Aranea - hits all conditions easily
Kain - EX for +80% and other buttons for 60%, Kain's FR will be better upon getting his LD boards however.
Cloud - with his S2 for 60% and LD for 80%