Infographic (March 2022)
Removable Passives
HP Attack+ Up (never used)
DEF passives
Buff Speed Up (generally don’t remove speed from your damage dealers unless you think they are too fast)
Character Notes & Recommendations
Have updates or suggestions? Contact us via Reddit or Discord, find our info Behind the Scenes!Summon Board Passive selections:
Odin choose 3 / 6 / 7
Bahamut choose 4 / 5 / 6
Ifrit, Shiva, Ramuh, Brothers 4 / 5 / 7
Leviathan, Pandemonium, Diabolos, Alexander 4 / 5 / 6
For more details and help with summons, check Summon Hub!
Sphere Recommendations
A Spheres: Focus on ATK & BRV DMG, don’t be distracted by anything else, Trey is a damage dealer at heart.
E Sphere: Focus on ATK. Trey debuffs every 3 turns at least, so Yuffie is great, and of course, Seymour remains a premium choice for nearly any E slot damage dealer. He has off-turn damage with instant break so Vanille sphere is certainly a nice option if you want to make him a reliable dispeller.
How To Play Notes
Trey gets a free & instant turn at the start of the fight letting you use EX or LD right away into a Charge 2 version of a skill to get his rotation going!
Trey’s entire kit revolves around “charging” his skills. He starts with 1 charge on both, and gains a charge whenever he takes an action that isn’t that skill. So frequently, you’ll want to take this thought process in this order:
Is EX charged? (it takes just 2 skills to recharge) Use EX
Is LD debuff applied? No? Use LD
Which skill is at Charge 2? Use whichever, if both at Charge 2, consider S1 for the party battery each turn.
Trey is extremely friendly to use! Here’s an explanation of his traps
Arrow Shower from S1 deals damage after every ally/enemy action until Trey’s overhead hits 0. This is damage over time and batteries the party after each action taken.
Dynamite from S2 acts like a trap but does not use a debuff slot, nor does it care about enemy turns like most traps. After any ally/enemy action, it ticks down, so on the 3rd turn after Trey applied his Dynamite, it will go off and attack enemies.
Firewall is a trap, and is triggered after the enemy takes any action!
His AA restores skill uses and gives him good boosts, if you don't want to time it for a big damage phase, pair him with someone who grants free ability uses like Rem or Onion Knight.
Team Synergy Notes
Trey is insanely flexible as an attacker, and can be considered a damage enabler, thanks to his framed debuffs boosting BRV DMG taken. He technically doesn’t need much to do his job of damage & battery.
Not that Trey needs more skills, he can already spam skills in a 108+ turn quest… but, you can use Onion Knight/Rem in party, friend, or as a call to use free AA’s to restore his skill uses. Note however that not many fights require this much longevity and this is more a novelty.
Speaking of novelties, pairing him with Keiss enables Trey's Arrow Shower to add Chase Units (CU - the things that make things launchable) to set up more launches than you probably asked for.
The most gracious *Thank You* to u/Macnol for allowing us to use his data, please support his website above!
Runs listed below are since the first LUFENIA event in November 2020, ordered by most recent first
The last column indicates notes such as commentary or strategy if you are looking to learn more about the character/team comp
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