Infographic (August 2023)
Character Notes & Recommendations
Have updates or suggestions? Contact us via Reddit or Discord, find our info Behind the Scenes!Summon Board Passive selections:
Numbers listed below refer to the 7 passives to select for each Ultimate Summon Board for the character. Top is 1, bottom is 7.Ramuh choose 3 / 4 / 7
Odin choose 3 / 6 / 7
Bahamut choose 4 / 5 / 6
Ifrit, Shiva, Brothers 4 / 5 / 7
Leviathan, Pandemonium, Diabolos, Alexander 4 / 5 / 6
For more details and help with summons, check Summon Hub!
Sphere Recommendations
NOTE: The sphere letters below are hyperlinked to our Sphere Hub which lists all available spheres sorted by effect!A Sphere: Focus on BRV DMG, ATK, & Physical ATK - so many choices to pick from
C Sphere: Reno doesn’t heal, so avoid any healing triggers (like Garnet). Buffing spheres are now fine, so Alphinaud/RF is the best next choice, or you can give him a bit more utility with Ceodore for a party heal or Porom/Rosa for 5% HP regen.
E Sphere: His own is great for him, but Auron’s is probably the best. Further boosts to ATK are all good, or you can look at debuff auras. Paine’s is interesting to add more party utility.
How-To-Play Notes
Electroprod (S1) is his go-to AoE shave, but is generally used to upkeep his [Numb] debuff on all enemies. Note: if you're planning to use Reno's FR or your team relies on counters, DO NOT PRESS S1 as Reno's FR benefits greatly from enemies taking turns and Numb will delay the enemies for doing what you want which is bad; use his S2, EX or LD instead!
Electric Dance (S2) maintains his buff and focuses a single target.
EM Triple Shot (EX) recharges in 2 skill uses, and you want to make sure to keep it active to maintain his Thunder imperil & ATK/DEF debuff.
Pyramid (LD) has no buff associated with it, so you can and should use it strategically before a big enemy attack to ensure that it deals 0. You can also use it to dispel a buff on enemies. This is useful but it's main purpose is making room for the [Pyramid] debuff. It can also deal the most damage so if you don't need to worry about future attacks and want to use it in Force Time with buffs up, go for it!
Neo Pyramid (BT) offers the usual stat boosts and enables his Turks Combo special HP attack.
Turks Combo is an 11 AoE HP attack that delays everyone in the party and applies pyramid. A very unique (and potentially powerful) button to use in Force Time and/or in Burst Phase. The delay helps enable counter units in a roundabout way.
Note he lacks BRV gains and BRV retain limits will hinder the power of this move. Pair him up with Ursula, Penelo, Setzer/Quina or other special BRV gain supports to enable this attacks damage.
Galvanic Chain (FR) is pretty simple. It applies Pyramid and asks for:
Electric BRV DMG on turn: 20%
Enemy takes a turn: 20% (50% if enemy does a physical ability)
Team Synergy Notes
His Pyramid call is excellent for neutering of an enemy's next attack
Again, his S1 is counter-intuitive with how his kit works now, however the Numb debuff can be useful in some fights that require 2T delays. Most of the time you can just remove the skill from his kit and he'll be fine.
Thunder based attackers will also benefit from him since his framed imperil is less likely to be cleansed by bosses at certain thresholds.
Reno as a damage dealer: Queen, Ursula, Quina/Setzer or whichever support you choose to enable his Turks Combo can make for a great BT phase and will eat up content well
Reno in a counter/trap team: Counter/trap teams are already ridiculously strong, Reno doesn't add much to them. Counter/trap teams are already safe and slow so they have little need for a self delay at the cost of burning up FR turns, but he doesn't take away from them too much unlike future Relm so he's still a fine addition.
Removable Passives
NOTE: Passives should generally only be removed if you lack CP space. There are very rare occasions where a character has a bad passive that disrupts their optimal gameplay.BRV Attack++ HP Attack++ Up (never used)
Buff Speed Up (no effect on EX recharge and may mess up your turns if Reno needs to reapply debuffs, be careful - can also remove if you have big SPD buff from another party member)
Break Bonus Up (minor effect)