Infographic (November 2023)
Character Notes & Recommendations
Have updates or suggestions? Contact us via Reddit or Discord, find our info Behind the Scenes!Summon Board Passive selections:
Odin choose 3 / 4 / 7
Shiva 3 / 5 / 7 (wants to get hit)
Ramuh 1 / 5 / 7 (wants to get hit)
Bahamut choose 4 / 5 / 6
Ifrit, Brothers 4 / 5 / 7
Leviathan, Pandemonium, Diabolos, Alexander 4 / 5 / 6
For more details and help with summons, check Summon Hub!
Sphere Recommendations
A Sphere - Melee Attacker that hits weakness; he wants ATK or BRV DMG Spheres
B Sphere - The usuals (see link)
C Sphere - Pecil for BRV gains. Maria, Alphinaud, other usuals (see link)
How-To-Play Notes
Snow's LD and his pre-emptive is a funny mechanic. His upgraded pre-emptive now deals tons of damage so spamming LD in summon is ridiculously strong - it can even do more damage than Astos!
Steelguard (S1) is a free turn that batteries the party and applies the Steelguard and Offensive Screen buffs to Snow. It also applies Lock on all enemies so enemies can hit him and raise his buff stacks and keep the party safe.
Froststrike (S2) is a strong single target, multiple HP attack that is capable of healing Snow, giving any excess HP healed as BRV.
Sovereign Fist (EX) is a fast charging EX, needing 2 skills to recharge. This inflicts Lock on all enemies while granting Snow Hotblooded Hero. This buff provides stats for Snow and also mitigates HP damage for the whole party.
Ice Ramp (LD) grants his new LD buff: Vendetta and gives him 2 stacks. This grants Snow his pre-emptive attack before his own turns. This attack will be stronger when Snow has 2 stacks. Snow can gain a stack by using his LD to gain 2 or he will gain 1 stack whenever Snow takes an HP or BRV attack. The attack will return the stacks to 1 and inflict Ice Resist Down on all enemies. Snow’s LD will also inflict Ice Resist Down on the enemies. This buff also makes the party a bit tankier to both BRV and HP attacks.
We'll never give up! (BT) enchants the party with Ice and boosts ally stats with the usual goodies. His unique effect he brings are BRV gains after HP attacks. While this effect is still good for everyone and especially those who don't have any BRV gains in their kit, Shinryu and beyond have introduced a BRV gain and BRV retain limit - you can only brv gain and retain 30% of any unit's given HP DMG Limit so no funny snapshotting FR or BT HP DMG Limits like we used to (see below).
Pyroglacier (FR) asks for:
Ice ability on turn: +40% (BT handles this)
Stacking buff/effect on turn: +20% (Rydia LDCA for easy party access)
Reduce brv dmg taken: +20% (an off-turn condition)
HP DMG taken -50% aura, no HP DMG Limit aura :c
Glimpse of freedom from Astos shackles
In a realistic scenario of Enna Kros + Support BT user, Yda and Snow can achieve higher damage peaks than Astos can.
This is mostly possible thanks to Enna Kros' BT rounding, without it it is not possible. Other pieces needed are:
Ifrit Lv 50 Summon Phase (+ a buff slot for Hellfire)
The best way to concentrate this damage is with Lunafreya's Quick Prayer or Crystal Ability 3 - Speed. Note Snow loses buff application grace period and will get 1 less turn than Yda with Quick Prayer.
Note about HP DMG Limit Snapshotting (Late Luf/Early Shirnyu)
Yes it's working as intended; when you get a higher HP DMG Limit than normal, you keep it until you go below it. It wasnt until we could get really high OF values and raised HP DMG Limits to even see it (in summons and how kain can maintain it while in the air) and then BRV retain units like Jecht and Locke showed off being able to do it reliably for an HP attack or 2
Destroth and Theologica (and others I probably don't know about) tested if raising Laguna's HP DMG Limit through similar means and it does indeed allow his Desperado debuff to hit higher than "normal" on 3 enemy fights and lots of HP DMG taken up debuffs so huge shoutouts to them for that discovery.
As for who makes the most use of Snow's BT effect (the BRVgains), anyone can! Especially those without ways to maintain their BRV after HP attacks (so no gains, no retain, no brv gain on crits and such). However, units that DO HAVE BRV Retain, BRV gain and BTs (or FRs) make the most use of Snow as they cut down some of the work needed to setup and have a raised HP DMG Limit to abuse consistently with the right setup.
A big counter to Snow abuse is HP shields and the Harden mechanic as the brv gains are based on HP DMG and if you hit for 0 because of these mechanics, you will dump your BRV and return to normal until you can raise your HP DMG Limit again!
Snowverflow Setup
This is a case of it being fairly simple to achieve if you have the right pieces. You'll need:
BRV Gains up and OF (gained) effects from party member effects (LDCAs, buffs, auras, etc)
Snow BT+
A Strong BT+ unit to drive the pain train. If they already have BRV gains, BRV retain and BRV Gains up, it makes it easier.
An HP DMG taken up debuff (probably from a call)
(Later you will need Iroha LDCA)
Once you have the pieces, you want to pop your LDCAs, use Snow BT finisher. From here, BT finishers will raise your HP DMG Limit but BRV gains from Snow's BT effect will be so high, you will stay above your normal HP DMG Limit and keep the BT's HP DMG Limit. You will keep this higher Limit as long as you can keep gaining enough BRV to stay above your normal limits.
A list of BRV Gains effects to partner with Snow thanks to DissidiaDB
List of BRV Gains up calls also thanks to DissidiaDB
Extra adjustments may be needed depending on the unit you want to focus on as some units lack the BRV Gains up or OF (gained). HA and HA+ passives may also need to be unequipped depending on reductions.
Note: As of Rydia's FR Mission Dungeon Shinryu missions now limit BRV Gained and Retained to 30% each of a unit's HP DMG Limit. Before, it was 80% which meant with Iroha LDCA for some Retain on units, Snow could still help Snowverflow but this new change means Snowverflow is no longer possible!
In-depth guide on the "Snowverflow" technique
Snow BT+ Demonstration on various BT+ units by Knightningale90
(JP Spoilers) Simple demonstration of setup by our own Cel!
Note the specific pieces used in the video aren't the important part, the values they provide are the important part (listed in the description.
Another setup demonstration in 90% reductions in GL environment (Also made by Cel)
Thelogica demonstrating Snowverflow on 2 BT characters at once
Cel showing 2 units in Snowverflow reliably as well