Character Notes & Recommendations
Have updates or suggestions? Contact us via Reddit or Discord, find our info Behind the Scenes!Summon Board Passive selections:
Odin choose 3 / 6 / 7
Bahamut choose 4 / 5 / 6
Ifrit, Shiva, Ramuh, Brothers 4 / 5 / 7
Leviathan, Pandemonium, Diabolos, Alexander 4 / 5 / 6
For more details and help with summons, check Summon Hub!
Sphere Recommendations
A Sphere - Focus on BRV DMG, ATK (Ranged and Physical ATK okay!)
D Sphere - Raise the party's ATK
E Sphere - Give him an aura debuff or poison sphere. A debuff sphere can mess with other member's debuffs so be careful.
How-to-Play Notes
Open with AA for a stack of Sky-Plying Strahl and go right into skills! This sets him up to have 5 stacks right off the bat.
Snatch Shot+ (S1) is decent filler and AoE BRV DMG. Best used against 3 targets.
Great Aim+ (S2) is best for removing debuffs from himself, stealing multiple buffs from an enemy AND it's his strongest button against 1 or 2 targets. It is 4 HP attacks to the target, 1 splash and will trigger twice (8 HPs to target, 2 to others).
Fires of War (EX) is recharged in 2 skill uses, dealing full AoE damage 4 times!
Tides of Fate (LD) is best used for utility to cleanse the party of debuffs. It also recovers a use of S1 and S2 to improve his longevity
Element of Treachery (BT) provides good party auras, enables Gorgon Shot and extends his buff stealing utility by granting stolen buffs to the party!
Gorgon Shot (follow up from BT) is a very strong follow up that also applies Gorgon Shot to enemies for 1T. The attacks is 4 AoE HP attacks which set him ahead of most other damage dealers for a bit.
Gorgon Shot (debuff) makes enemy attacks tickle (BRV/HP damage become 0).
Wake Damage (FR) also removes debuffs from the party and steals 3 random buffs. His Force Conditions are
Ranged BRV DMG on turn: 20%
Attacking a target with no buffs on turn: 40%
Removing an enemy buff: 80%
Note : "Removing an enemy buff" condition can be triggered with counters/traps so Vanille's EX debuff or a counter/trap unit with Vanille's sphere removing an enemy buff will trigger the condition whenever.
This makes for a decent 60% on turn condition for ranged attackers with a huge leap in power with enemies that buff themselves.
FR Boards improve his FR time by giving party 30% HP DMG & Limit when enemies have no buffs!