Infographic (November 2023)
Character Notes & Recommendations
Have updates or suggestions? Contact us via Reddit or Discord, find our info Behind the Scenes!Summon Board Passive selections:
Odin choose 3 / 6 / 7
Bahamut choose 4 / 6 / 7
Ifrit, Shiva, Ramuh, Brothers 4 / 5 / 7
Leviathan, Pandemonium, Alexander, Diabolos 4 / 5 / 6
For more details and help with summons, check Summon Hub!
Sphere Recommendations
A Spheres - Kain is a ranged attacker that can launch every 3 turns and frequently buffs himself and can do BRV DMG every turn if in the air.
D Sphere - His Skills buff himself and can do tons of BRV DMG to trigger any sphere that boosts Party's ATK.
How-To-Play Notes
Very easy to play, LD to jump your stacks up to 4 and enable Double Jump. Plan to double jump before you start turn hogging, or before your BT phase! Depending how much turn hogging you do, you honestly might burn the enemy down and never need to use his other skills… this is because Double Jump delays Kain and lets him hang out in the air, attacking enemies after every action taken on the field. Kain will also join launches in BT windows, or if his next turn appears before an enemy. He never drops his BRV, so he will continue to dump consistent damage.
Important! Even though Kain is in the air and you can’t buff him, any call effects that he is holding that impact the party will still take effect. The best examples are Kurasame, Reks, Cait Sith, Selh'teus, Fusoya, Sazh,
Jump III (S1) is used for AoE shaving and upkeeping his buff.
Gungnir (S2) upkeeps his generic buffs, and is a strong single target attack.
Fang & Claw (EX) charges in 2 skill uses, and is better than both of his base skills (which is hard to find nowadays). Single target attack with splash, AoE delay, battery the party, and make non targets launchable.
BRV Up Thrust (AA) is good to use before you Double Jump.
Dragoon's Pride (BT) you also want its effect up before taking off so make sure to do so as its effect greatly helps him & the party along with lasting a long time if he just stays in the air.
His BT rotation vs 2 targets is:
S1 -> S2 -> LD -> S2 -> EX -> FR
Cross Jump (FR) got an amazing FR Board adjustment as it asks for:
Attacking a broken target: +50%
Launch enemy on turn: +5%
Any Ranged Abilities: +5% (20% if Kain does it)
While Kain is in the air (he should be at all times), this is an easy 70% gains without considering launches or other ranged attacks while also providing the party a 50% HP DMG & Limit aura. An amazing FR to start with and gets him to use his echoes quickly so you can keep him in the air during BT phase rushdowns or with turn hogs like Papalymo.
Extra Stuff: Feel Free to remove his Break Speed Up, Critical Speed Up & Heavens-Trotting Knight passives to maximize his Lancet damage!