About C Spheres
They generally lean toward granting HP gains or BRV battery.
Keywords for the abbreviations below are referenced at the bottom
What is "best"?
Every character is different, but there are some general rules
For Encouragement Armor holders, Paladin Cecil, or the refined version of it, is the best option, above absolutely anything else. Yes, they stack.
For attackers that can heal themselves or the party, Garnet is excellent
Alphinaud, Maria, Lluyd round out the rest of the generally useful spheres, ATK is all that matters
For HP regen orbs, Porom & Rosa can help meet the orb if your team can't
ATK C spheres
Clearly a rare sphere, it is the best sphere possible for an attacker that has HP Regen or burst healing.
Aura C spheres
These spheres are split. ATK spheres are among the best in the game. If no ATK aura, it's generally better than nothing!
Healing C spheres
Only edge cases may dictate the use of these spheres. Often used on supports that lack healing, lack adequate healing, or attackers that plan to solo difficult stages for fun.
Battery C spheres
Paladin Cecil's sphere or Refined (RF) sphere are the undisputed best for anyone with an Encouragement Keystone passive from their HG armor. Not only is it best, but it is the biggest effect that a sphere can have for a character. The rest of these are filler, occasionally useful for specific characters.
Keywords used under character images:
broken enemy - when attacking a broken target or breaking them
buffing - when granting a buff
self healing - when healing your own HP